A cold, hard downpour pelted the Hills; wind sawed at the boughs and brush.
Outside, the mid-afternoon clouds were darkening, as if the misting rain were about to turn into a colder and heavier downpour.
By nightfall it was raining, a cold downpour mixed with sleet, and it was this and exhaustion that drove the people from the streets, not the police.
There was no warning at all; one moment the road was dry, the sun peeked through the clouds-the next, a cold, sleet-laden downpour soaked them to the skin.
Mr. Powers said Mr. Giuliani had planned to play golf with his son, Andrew, but was prevented by yesterday's cold downpour.
He hurries through the cold downpour to the men's facilities.
The rain began again, the cold downpour of late December.
Custer's Union division slogged through muddy roads in cold downpour, and on March 2 encountered the last remnant of Early's Army of the Valley at Waynesboro.
It had been raining for days now, a cold grey downpour that well suited Catelyn's mood.
Rangers 14, Indians 6 Juan Gonzalez drove in six runs with a homer, double and single as visiting Texas beat Cleveland in a cold, persistent downpour.