A rain curtain blew in from the heavy skies, cutting off sight of the sea creature and sousing everything with cold stinging droplets.
At the forward rail, Catti-brie felt the stinging, salty droplets, so cold in contrast to the heat of the brilliant sun on her fair face.
He stood by the window, his long, bluish arms beaded with cold droplets of water precipitated out of the air.
An icy wind moved about us, and when we passed the window again, cold droplets lashed my face.
The snow had turned to sleet, and I his bare head was sprinkled with cold droplets by the time he had crossed the car park.
So did the sound of the wind, and cold droplets began to pelt down.
The ground trembled, the wind swirled a mist of cold droplets, and the roar hammered at his ears.
These icy cold droplets seemed to cut through to the bone as if to punish him for the way he was.
A cold droplet struck his cheek and awakened his wits.
A dull gray blanket covered everything, and I could feel the cold droplets of fog on my face.