It was the dangerous, cold glitter in his eyes that terrified her.
Then it faded, to be replaced by a cold, hard glitter of bitterness and hate.
And there was nothing friendly in those eyes now; no expression at all, in fact, only a cold black glitter.
The dragon waited, still as carved stone except for the cold glitter of its hooded eyes.
And Moichi thought he saw a cold glitter emanating from within the hood as if the light had caught the lens of an eye.
I was sure there was an, even colder glitter in her eyes.
His lips smiled, but his eyes had the cold glitter of a snake's.
Vosgle's eyes showed a dark, cold glitter - the sort of gaze that the lawyer gave to juries.
He was at work on something; his knife reflected the cold white glitter of lightning.
The psychologist's eye reflected a kind of cold glitter.