The basalt crystallized quickly against the relatively cold granite.
I sat crouched behind the headstone, breathless from the exchange of gunfire, my back against cold granite.
I set down the Muscle and pressed my hands against the cold false granite.
Then a wall jolted him to a stop, and he let his arms fall with a sigh, and leaned against cold granite, and breathed.
Even if it turned out to be just an airless slab of cold granite, it was a place that no human had ever seen before.
With Redgrave, it is an identity that has ossified into hard, cold granite.
Turning back to the wall, Kruel dangled two shadow rats by their tails against the cold granite.
The walls were not glassy and hard, but smooth, cold, gray granite.
The two men sat on the cold granite and pulled their coats closer around them.
She fell back against the cold granite of the tomb as Barnabas and the mad king met in an all-out struggle.