In large, deep lakes, the water stratifies in progressively colder layers.
Not until the sun warms the colder layer and it is able to rise, does the pollution dissipate.
The narrow corridor they passed through seemed to be insulated with a still cold layer of loathing and fear.
In temperature inversions, warmer air ends up on top of a colder layer.
The horses would have to paw the deep, soft, cold layer aside to find the dried grass it covered.
"I'm losing 'em through that cold layer," said Ramsey.
"That cold layer is waving over us like a fan," said Ramsey.
Waxing (a hot or cold layer is applied and then removed with porous strips)
His readings also demonstrated that the Gulf Stream flows beneath a cold layer of surface water.
The colder layer acted as a cushion pushing against the warm current above.