I not only felt like a slab of cold oatmeal, I felt really pathetic.
He wore glasses, had a skin the color of cold oatmeal and hollow tired eyes.
At one lunch recess he stood alone in the parking lot by his pickup, spooning cold oatmeal from a saucepan.
"Like a paper bag of cold oatmeal," Susie said.
"Then you've got a brain like a paper bag of cold oatmeal," Susie told me.
After two bowls of cold and sticky oatmeal, Rick had finally handed in his last assignment.
Sage poured out two beakers of the cold oatmeal and pennycloud water she had brewed early that morning.
It has the consistency and taste of cold oatmeal.
But in three games, this team of speed, symmetry and video game dreams has become as inspiring as cold oatmeal.