In addition to the bread, there was a small piece of cold pork.
Boudica gratefully accepted some cold pork, but sniffed suspiciously before taking a bite.
Numbly he chewed the last of the cold pork, then he climbed to the top of the bill.
Eanflaed brought us stale bread, cold pork, wrinkled apples and a rock-hard cheese in which red worms writhed.
Why are we reduced to eating cold pork and ham?
On Christmas Eve she carried pumpkin pie, salad and cold pork to the Christmas party.
There were several choices of lunch meat, cold pork, three different cheese dips and pickles.
Who but he had discovered the glory of cold pork and thinly sliced white radish on pumpernickel?
This may be the ham that persuades you to add cold pork and lager to your breakfast repertory.
One thin slice of cold fat pork, a piece of beetroot, and a small withered apple.