At the door of a cottage I saw a little girl about to throw a mess of cold porridge into a pig trough.
That's all cold porridge and last night's leftovers.
If we don't hurry, there won't be anything left but cold porridge.
Regis bent his head to the cold porridge.
A slab of cold porridge, but drizzled with honey.
If there's one thing that disgusts me it's cold porridge.
Among other things, Shulman said that the plot "moved at the pace of cold porridge going uphill."
Im just hanging around, its maybe a bowl of cold porridge developing a crust.
Experiments with glass flasks filled with cold porridge confirmed that this was the way to go.
I couldn't think why he'd want to kill his own cousin, though; their fellowship of murder had struck me as being thicker than cold porridge.