I feel very comfortable with the (government's cold shutdown) decision.
This 5% "decay heat" will continue for 1 to 3 years after shut down, whereupon it finally reaches "full cold shutdown".
But the computer's not designed for such cold shutdowns.
The other two temperature-sensors and the radiation levels inside the containment vessel would be used to monitor the state of the cold shutdown.
Yesterday morning operators completed the process of reducing the temperature in the reactor to below 200 degrees, a condition called "cold shutdown."
All reactors at the plant reached cold shutdown by March 15, 2011.
The other unit "must be brought to cold shutdown within 36 hours."
The three units remain in cold shutdown since the earthquake of 11 March.
The nuclear plant's cold shutdown was supported by diesel generators for four days until a second 161kV line could be restored to the plant.
At the time of the quake, Reactor 4 had been de-fueled while 5 and 6 were in cold shutdown for planned maintenance.