I didn't notice any decomposition in the parts I could see... but if the shanshan died during winter, the cold would have slowed decay, as good as a powered freezer.
The intense cold, absence of light and low oxygen levels in the ocean bed have slowed the deterioration of the artifacts, which also include a cigarette case with cigarettes and a copy of The Southampton Echo dated April 9, 1912.
The cold did not slow him.
The cold will slow growth of cattle in feed lots, but cattle can withstand more than most people think.
However, the increasing cold, fierce local counter attacks, and lack of reserves slowed the advance.
The cold had slowed Nick down so that he could not avoid the ring and it struck him on the forehead, but he felt no pain, there was no feeling in his face or feet or hands.
The cold also slowed chemical processes, and between that and the lack of air, the acid would have become inert.
The cold will slow them down and they'll have to stick close to where they can feed.