A cold stillness settled like a blanket over the valley floor.
He stood in the cold stillness and looked out upon his specialty-the heavens.
It was a little odd, Harper thought fleetingly, for snow to move in the cold stillness of the night.
Mattel relaxed, trying to imitate the dead cold stillness of the others.
For all his cold stillness, he could've been a sculpture.
The cold stillness spread and moved down deeper into Kettrick's belly.
Sitting in the cold stillness of the night, she meditated, seeking an answer within herself.
The cold stillness of Oben's voice spoke of pain beyond the simply physical.
I climbed the slippery steps and swung the door open again, stared into the damp, cold stillness.
When the American's tall figure approached behind the buttoned boy, a cold stillness possessed his every limb.