The same year he collaborated with Computer Club on a track called "Losing Streak".
She also collaborated as a featured vocalist with Nine Lives on a new track entitled "1985", which is to be released by Vendition Records in 2012.
In 2005, he collaborated with shock rock legend Alice Cooper on a track entitled "Stand" from the album "Dirty Diamonds".
While in the studio recording for his debut album Mickey has tweeted that Lupe Fiasco are collaborating on a track.
In 2001, she collaborated with Ella Mae Saison, a singer from Philippines, on a common track.
The duo would later collaborate with Moroder on a track in Random Access Memories.
After the group heard the song, they got into the studio with Factz and collaborated on a track that will appear on his debut.
It was later confirmed that the two are collaborating on a track for the EP.
The pair collaborated on a track called Monster included on West's most recent album.
He has also recently collaborated with fellow Dipset member 40 Cal on a new track about the rap collective's possible demise.