Composed while she was living in Farnham, this collaboration with Moore focuses on the fact that it is not just inner cities which have their problem areas.
A second collaboration with Comstock, also recorded in 1958, focused on intimacy.
At the Lab, the joint collaboration between Singapore's government and MIT focuses on hurdles facing the game industry, with research benefiting the development community locally and abroad.
For 2007, collaboration with the WHO will be focusing on Management of National Blood Programmes.
Their collaboration focused on the mechanisms by which hemoglobin transports oxygen to living tissues.
AHRQ Measuring Healthcare Quality Government, non-profit and private organizations are building public-private collaborations focused on the development of a nationwide system in the United States.
Houston is a member of the World Energy Cities Partnership, a collaboration between 13 energy focused cities around the world.
The collaboration will focus on three classes of enzyme inhibitors discovered by Cortex.
Computer-supported collaboration (CSC) research focuses on technology that affects groups, organizations, communities and societies, e.g., voice mail and text chat.
This collaboration focuses on translating Open Education Resources (OER), and hence increasing the availability of educational resources in Arabic language for users worldwide, particularly students.