Yates' new company, Republic Pictures Corporation, was established as a collaborative enterprise focused on low-budget product.
Publishing, like the movies, is a collaborative enterprise, and marketing departments work up the plans for a book's campaign for the editor to sell the agent.
The Foundation's mission is to nurture young artists, foster collaborative artistic enterprise and create opportunities within the community for shared cultural experience.
All collaborative enterprises in Japan need a slogan to be often recited by those involved.
Fashion photography is a peculiarly collaborative enterprise, rather like theater, rather like film.
Despite the success of their collaborative enterprise, these men were rivals.
Like much of film and television today, soaps are essentially collaborative enterprises.
Typically, such collaborative scientific enterprises require access to very large data sets, very large scale computing resources, and high performance visualization.
Watching the musicians play and sing on Wednesday afternoon I was struck anew by the collaborative enterprise of music.
It seemed to me on Wednesday afternoon that the collaborative enterprise of music is a metaphor that our current world hungers after.