We will gather with leaders of industry and labour to work, unlike the Conservatives, in a collaborative, but urgent manner to protect jobs.
Davis credited Lesser's "informal, unpretentious, and collaborative" manner with the creation of that close relationship.
It can be used by a group of people in a collaborative manner to convey ideas to each other using visual images.
It works in a collaborative and complementary manner with other faculties and administrative bodies of the university.
Wiley envisioned a facility where the research was conducted in an integrated and collaborative manner.
A global grid is a connection of enterprise and departmental grids that can be used in a commercial or collaborative manner.
Like his predecessor, Rodriguez argued that he and his colleagues would have more influence by working in a collaborative manner.
The multi-lingual "Euranet Specials" are developed in a collaborative manner between all partner news teams.
Therefore, I believe that Europe must try to re-open negotiations in a collaborative rather than authoritative manner with this country.
Open source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner.