McDonough's collaborative style and strong artist-producer relationships have established him in both the advertising industry and independent music communities at the national level.
"We'd have a weak and heartless collection if we didn't fight," Mera says about her family's collaborative collecting style.
The collaborative style of religious coping involves an active and internalized personal exchange with God.
The collaborative style of coping has been found to produce the most advantages in clinical settings.
She operated in an open, collaborative style and always posed the most challenging questions.
His collaborative style was apparent from the start.
Current interests include health care reform, the collaborative style of medical practice known as the medical home, and structural biology.
The collaborative style of religious coping has been found to have the greatest psychological benefits, correlating with increased self-esteem and lower levels of depression.
Devolution was seen by heads as a process that lent itself to a more collaborative style of management.
Having weathered its crisis of survival, when emphatic leadership was essential, Harley decided that it needed a far more collaborative style.