The immediate politics of the moment dominate, along with the lurking fear that if the constitution is not ratified, national collapse may follow.
The Washington Redskins spent the entire week determined that another collapse would not follow today in Philadelphia.
If the Government should suddenly pull back on its reforms, many say, economic collapse will follow, eventually leading to the same result.
One child coughs and collapses, followed by others.
The collapse of the Khazar Empire followed soon after their conversion.
So that a universal social collapse followed, as it were a logical consequence, upon world-wide war.
A mine collapse followed, separating engineer Shigeru from his fellow miners and police.
The collapse of the remaining territory of the dictators followed like an avalanche.
The company's collapse followed exposure of an accounting fraud, now put at $7.68bn (£5bn), which made the company look profitable when it was not.
Investors realized the tigers were paper and fled; economic collapse followed.