He collapsed instantly near the table and died within a few minutes, according to testimony.
First he stumbled around the corner, dripping blood, and collapsed near the front door of his home.
They sagged under the weight of it all, and collapsed near the finish.
His daughter awoke around 6:00 am to find the living room in flames and Perkins collapsed near the door.
Their civilization collapsed near the end of the 8th century for unknown reasons.
He collapsed on the bed near the door, still laughing.
He quickly collapsed from loss of blood near a Cheltenham nightclub and died later in hospital.
In 2000, suddenly a player collapsed near the 2B.
The Steelers collapsed near the end of the 1993 season, starting 6-3 but finishing 9-7.
The match was a real contest initially, but Euwe's play collapsed near the end and he lost four of the last five games.