The collapse of sugar prices brought on by the Great Depression precipitated the birth of the organized labour movement in St. Kitts and Nevis.
The study noted that the collapse of value-subtracting industries can precipitate an economic boon.
The collapse of the investment bank Société de l'Union Générale precipitated the 1882 stock market crash that triggered a downturn in the economy.
If the Fed had done nothing and the hedge fund's collapse had precipitated a bank failure or a market panic, he said, criticism of the sort being cast at the central bank today would seem trivial.
Federal authorities praised a $770 million settlement with the French bank Crédit Lyonnais and other parties as a triumph for more than 300,000 policyholders of Executive Life, the insurance company whose collapse precipitated the affair.
He won the Italian Cup in his first year, but financial collapse by the Viola precipitated a 2002 return to Benfica.
Many of these institutions suffered the equivalent of a bank run, with the notable collapses of Lehman Brothers and AIG during September 2008 precipitating a financial crisis and subsequent recession.
The government lasted barely 14-months and was considered dysfunctional; its collapse precipitated a climate of political deadlock and tension similar to that which existed between 2006 and 2008.
It was 10 years ago this month that the collapse of Enron precipitated what would become the most complex white-collar crime investigation in the FBI's history.
The collapse of the Phoenician trade network precipitated the end of the Tartessian civilisation, and began a period still not well understood by modern historical archaeology.