If your colleagues didn't create this scandal, maybe the letter could have been written in more human, less officious language.
Zaccaro and colleagues (2004) created a model to understand leader traits and their influence on leader effectiveness/performance.
But Olmsted and his colleagues did create a community that set a new standard for suburban development.
As an adult, Sagan and his colleagues created similar time capsules, but ones that would be sent out into the galaxy.
Dr. Koza and his colleagues have been creating electrical circuits using evolutionary computing.
Ted Koppel and his colleagues have created the model for in-depth news reporting.
In the new study, Belgiorno and colleagues created an event horizon with two quick pulses of laser light inside a piece of glass.
Ms. Shamieh is evolving, along with the genre that she and her colleagues are creating.
Jackson and his colleagues created a model of what the ideal Centennial city population would be.
Mr. Scott and his colleagues have created a surrogate world for the original intervals and chord changes.