His approach enabled Dr. Cooper and his colleagues to determine which elements in speech carried the information needed for understanding.
Dorothy Hodgkin and colleagues at the University of Oxford determine the structure of insulin.
Wilson and colleagues determined that the Schipper values were close approximations to the normal approximation to the binomial distribution.
Cushing and colleagues also determined that it was possible to resolve, on the species level, the identity of a mass of fish through precise acoustic signals.
It is very likely that Reinsdorf and his colleagues have already determined what they want to see happen.
Lambert and colleagues determined that the immobilized postoperative patient was prone to atelectasis in the dependent lung.
This time, however, he and his colleagues determined that extra-legal vigilante action was not called for.
The colleague determined that the two men's hearts appeared to have stopped, and he called in for help.
The trails in the cloud chamber enabled Rose and his colleagues to determine the mean energies of the neutrons in the two configurations.
In 1978, Dr. Steitz and his colleagues determined the three-dimensional structure of the part that could be crystallized.