That was the year he and a colleague, Dr. Akiko Tanaka, founded their own institute.
In 1964 he and several distinguished colleagues founded the Childbirth Research Centre.
It was at this time that he and several colleagues founded Copenhagen's Concert Society.
In 1973 Ms. Gilbert and several other colleagues at the firm founded a women's luncheon discussion group dealing with taxation.
After graduating from Central High school in 1882 he and three other colleagues founded the Cleveland Gazette in 1883.
Litman and three other colleagues from Digicon founded Proxicom in 1991.
He and a colleague founded American Naturalist and Hyatt served as editor from 1867 to 1870.
In 2002 he and two colleagues founded Wilton Pictures,a production company specialising in making documentaries.
In 1960, he and his colleagues founded the Iranian Pediatrics Society, of which he was president until 1974.
Dr. Donoghue and colleagues have founded a company, Cyberkinetics, and they hope to test their prosthesis on a human within the year.