Kenyon and colleagues identified several possible solutions to this luminosity problem.
Thomas and his colleagues identified nine characteristics of temperament that were stable and endured through maturity.
My colleagues and I have identified many different reasons increased choice can have these paradoxical effects.
Robert Horn and his colleagues identified dozens of common documentation types, then analyzed them into structural components called information blocks.
Hughes and colleagues could not identify a clade that included all four species of Collybia.
Donohue and colleagues identified three variables that weakened the knowledge gap:
Sudbø and his colleagues identified 150 people who had the type of white patches in their mouth and throat that sometimes lead to cancer.
In 1953, Robert S. Dietz and his colleagues first identified the swell behavior.
Ungar and colleagues identified seven aspects of resilience across many different cultures.
As much as they tried, Cech and his colleagues could not identify any protein associated with the splicing reaction.