Mr. Erickson and his colleagues are leading a study that began last month.
In revenge, Yuan Shao and his colleagues led troops into the palace and slaughtered the eunuchs.
For several years, he and colleagues led further expeditions studying the geology, agriculture, social and family life and monastic practices in this remote, high-altitude region.
A police spokesman would not comment on whether alcohol was involved and said only that "play fighting" between two colleagues had led to the incident, which is still under investigation.
My parliamentary colleague, the Member for Ludlow, Christopher Gill, has been leading the chase.
However, his colleagues both lead some songs and both joke with the audience.
Your former colleague, my first Secretary of the Treasury, led that effort and sparked our long boom.
Fortunately, "my colleagues lead very interesting lives," she says, making eavesdropping a rewarding hobby.
What is more, our record is excellent: our former colleague, Mr Schori, led the mission in Zimbabwe.
He once froze at a typewriter, unable to write or move until solicitous colleagues led him away.