Today, Mr. Vilchis's family, colleagues and customers still mourn his death and continue to hope that his killer will be found.
His brother, John, his many relatives, colleagues, friends and students at the Singers Forum and throughout the theater, cabaret and opera communities deeply mourn his passing.
His influence was immense, and his many colleagues in the Department mourn the loss of their mentor and friend.
Friends and colleagues at Capintec Inc mourn the loss of Dr. Arata Suzuki, Senior Scientist for over twenty-five years.
Students, family members, friends, colleagues, and those who appreciated her dedication to improving the primary, secondary, and higher education of Black students mourned her loss.
With great sadness the family, friends and colleagues of Dilsukh Raninga mourn his passing and celebrate his life of service and achievements.
Devastated colleagues in the Street Crimes Unit mourned the death of Officer Kevin Gillespie and remembered his exceptional career.
Friends and colleagues mourn slain editor.
Friends, colleagues and family members mourned at the funeral of Luís Carlos Santiago, a photography intern, on Saturday.
His family, friends and colleagues deeply mourn his passing.