Though temperamental artists, these good colleagues offer an example to all of how to thrive almost 20 years after a divorce.
While Ashburn's style involved hitting singles and getting on base, his colleagues from up north offered the additional attraction of long home runs.
At last, convinced his colleagues would not offer him any support, Veedron spoke.
The only thing he and his colleagues are offering to give them back during the post-holiday rush is respect.
He also said that despite widespread public condemnation, many colleagues had privately offered their support, including Government ministers.
My colleagues have offered a reasonable construction of Florida's law.
Many colleagues offered the sound advice that if Walcott would simply cool off, the whole matter would soon blow over.
I would obviously be very grateful for any sponsorship which my colleagues in the bank can offer.
What your colleagues can offer will depend on their particular skills and interests.
Well-meaning friends and colleagues offered particularly useless advice: "Tell them you're 82."