But another former colleague pointed to QVC, where, he said, Mr. Diller made few changes after his arrival.
When asked on Thursday what kind of guy Howard J. Carpluk Jr. was, relatives and colleagues simply pointed to his wife, Debra.
Her colleague pointed to a faux balcony hanging over the ballroom, saying that he kept expecting Healy to appear.
For instance, one former colleague pointed to the stock options of Digital Equipment.
Another colleague in Dr. Sakharov's opposition caucus, Gavriil Popov, pointed to the coming local elections as the next place to confront and rout the party hierarchy.
This ability to "get it right," in his own words, is what Mr. Simon's colleagues point to with the greatest respect.
This all might make her easy to pigeonhole as a Kewpie doll, except that her colleagues also point to an enormous talent and uncanny comic timing.
Mr. Presley watched, mocking the process, until his colleague pointed to a spot in the ground.
Residents and colleagues point to his house calls and his teaching, writings and broadcasts that promote public health.
She and her colleagues point to these figures when workers drop by the centre distressed about an illegal firing, back wages owed or an endless string of overnight shifts.