But even then, parents, teachers and colleagues rallied to Ms. Miller's defense, and the local school board attempted - unsuccessfully - to reinstate her as superintendent.
At a recent session, a manager moved listeners to tears as he recalled how his colleagues rallied around an employee whose child had died.
Many colleagues have rallied to Mr. Mata's defense, saying he appears to be a victim of retaliation because of his crucial role in a landmark discrimination suit against the bureau by its Hispanic employees.
The creation of the fund is the first sign that colleagues of current or former agency employees are rallying around their associates.
Bowen began by noting that "about the only good thing to come out of the last month is the way Alan's colleagues, especially here in the occupied Palestinian territories, have rallied around him."
When he arrived here Tuesday, Mr. Naimi emphasized the demand, saying he hoped to "convince" his colleagues to rally to his position.
Horrified colleagues rallied to her assistance and raised the alarm.
He remains a member of the inner circle of President Clinton's economic advisers, and his colleagues have rallied to him, hoping for a vindication that would be the Administration's as well.
Maria Echaveste, the deputy chief of staff, said her colleagues were rallying round the President.
Friends rang round to remind each other of the vigil and colleagues rallied as many people as they could to come to St Bride's.