If he and his colleagues want to try to make things right, they should look not to the past, but to the future.
Her new colleagues all wanted to know the name of the designer.
I find my own colleagues wanting; they are old men now and have no fire left in them.
One of the things he and his colleagues want to do is "change that perception."
"If your colleague wants to pick someone up, that person probably should do it on his own time."
Oh, no, your good colleagues would want to cut me open and find out what was wrong.
What some colleagues want to do, is to shut that down.
A cost, by the way, which your colleague responsible for the budget wants nothing to do with.
If colleagues want to place something on the record, they can always do so in writing during the course of the voting procedure.
For example, my colleague wanted to tell someone, in no uncertain terms, what she saw as some problems at work.