Wiped out the guard and collected enough ammunition to fight a full, scale battle, then made off towards the mountains.
Barry's men collected the British arms and ammunition before setting fire to the lorries.
The player can collect fresh ammunition, new weapons and health credits while facing monsters.
Skaara was kneeling by the dead men, collecting their guns and ammunition.
We collected all the rifles and ammunition from the wounded and the fallen.
"You can only collect ammunition for so long before you have to engage the battle," he said.
Soon after, the organizations started to create groups of volunteers and to collect weapons and ammunition.
Immediately these decisions had been made everyone set about collecting such arms and ammunition as they could carry.
I've instructed the Gypsy to collect ammunition and weapons from the dead gunmen, which will help, but we still don't have enough to waste.
Work parties were sent down into the valley to collect weapons and ammunition from the dead and wounded.