She had been collecting anecdotes for many years, and said, "Things happened out there in the woods.
They wrote the book in 1995, after spending hours collecting and organizing information, photographs and anecdotes from the 39 families who have lived on the street.
As ever, he corresponded widely, encouraging and helping fund research and collecting anecdotes.
For now, the Vigianos are collecting anecdotes and tributes from friends and relatives on a new Web site,
Ms. Seaman, a journalist and women's health advocate, has followed the estrogen trail for decades, collecting anecdotes and asking piercing questions.
Mr. Forrester then goes on to note that Freud also collected dreams, case studies and Jewish anecdotes.
He travelled to London to interview the people who had known Goldsmith and collect information and anecdotes about him.
The manuscript, typed laboriously with two fingers, culminates years of collecting anecdotes and esoterica. looks for opportunities to engage directly with users through social media to ask how the data is being used and to collect anecdotes.
By collecting gossipy anecdotes, we invade the celebrity's world.