At the age of six or seven Otto was introduced into entomology by his private tutor Wagner who collected beetles.
He was also a naturalist and entomologist, particularly collecting beetles.
In the fifth story the boys collect beetles and put them under the mattress in their uncle's bed.
He collected beetles and their larvae from around the world and studied the relationships between them.
She did not confine herself to the flora, but also collected beetles, gall flies, spiders and scorpions.
He is a city slicker with a beat for nature and lots of hobbies such as collecting beetles and fishing.
While living in Terang, he began to collect beetles and study biology.
Kotula was interested in botany - he was collecting plants, mushrooms, beetles and butterflies.
Several are largely entomological, about people with a passion for collecting butterflies or beetles.
He encouraged him to collect beetles.