The conclusion was that a cartel was fraudulently collecting the subsidy - and billions of dollars - for petrol not imported.
If Congress truly wants to collect billions of dollars in lost revenue, it can increase the enforcement budget and halt the rhetoric.
They see great profit in doing oil business with Saddam and collecting tens of billions in debts.
Its goal: to collect billions of back taxes, increase future collections, and avoid costly enforcement actions.
It has collected billions of dollars from the utilities, including Northern States, under a contract in which it agreed to take the waste beginning in 1998.
And finally, we've got to go out there and collect billions and billions of dollars in taxes owed that aren't being paid in this country.
The Treasury could collect billions of dollars in extra revenues as a result of this week's record stock market volume, some analysts said today.
The aggressive moves by the I.R.S. have enabled it to collect billions of dollars in back taxes and penalties from those who used them.
The laser scanner builds up a 'point cloud' by collecting billions of survey points, which make up the black and white 3D images.
They collect billions, hundreds of billions.