They were not looking for weapons or subversive material but for illegally collected blankets, tents and other earthquake relief supplies.
These Kurds collect what they can - blankets, potatoes, packaged cookies, sheets of plastic that are used as flimsy tents, and even baby cribs.
He now lives in an apartment and helps collect blankets, coats and sweaters for the 50 homeless Polish men he estimates are in the area.
Churches collected blankets and pillows.
Students collect food, blankets and clothes for disadvantaged people in the community.
Skye followed Walker to his room and waited just outside as he collected blankets and a pillow.
Jarret had already collected blankets and was preparing to push them over the edge.
Joined by others, the Society collected blankets for the wounded and gave concerts and tableaux to raise funds.
Representative projects include promoting ecological awareness, visiting nursing homes and collecting blankets, coats, and toys for various charities.
She had spent the winter collecting old blankets and pillows for them to sleep on.