The Career Video Challenge has collected dozens of career videos highlighting work in fifteen occupation categories.
He collected dozens of receipts as evidence.
In the early 1960's, he collected dozens of cameras and distributed them to students and volunteers heading south so they could document the Civil Rights movement.
As they all knew, he himself had collected dozens and dozens of epitaphs during his journeys through Russia and abroad.
City workers collect dozens of water samples for testing from designated sites from hydrants to restaurant faucets around the five boroughs every day.
Donald Byrd has collected dozens of variants inspired by mathematical concepts and written by himself and others.
"We've already collected dozens," Posner was telling me.
In competition within the magazine industry, it collected dozens of awards for excellence.
To keep track of water quality, municipal workers collect dozens of water samples, seven days a week from all five boroughs, for analysis in the lab.
Tomorrow, she would collect dozens of books and magazines, and put the scheme into operation.