In another, longer experiment, the researchers said they collected more fish in the open water than below the pier.
Some 2,500 out of over 8,000 workers began taking the masks when they went into the forest to cut wood, collect honey or fish.
That's one of the great things about collecting fish: you get to appreciate the wonders of nature.
They find it very difficult to believe that you're really out there in these remote areas just to collect small fish.
Already some of the more daring troopers were down at the water's edge collecting dead fish.
In the game, Tux goes down a hill on his belly and collects fish.
But people on both sides go in to collect fish, wild honey and wood in the tigers' habitat.
Several people drowned in the frantic effort to collect dead fish that floated to the surface of the water.
The plan was to collect and store fish in the tanks and sell the fish at higher prices when they were out of season.
While searching for the breeding place of Polypterus he observed and collected other fish.