He struggled toward the aisle, his senses collecting fragmentary impressions: The scarlet face of a frock-coated dandy bellowing "Dixie's Land" while he drove an older man to his knees and beat the man's temples with his cane.
It "collected impressions and insight into contact as well as announcements for upcoming events".
Beyond the task forces, one can only collect impressions about Bush's White House activities.
Not too soon to collect impressions, to weigh, to measure, to study.
"I just collect impressions."
He took questions, made sweeping historical comparisons and was often cheered by enthusiastic crowds, but never seemed to use the session to collect impressions about conditions outside the heavily fortified American military compounds.
This place, too, would begin to collect impressions again almost immediately--Truth's power was not harsh enough to seal it off completely, nor did she wish to--but the traces the Blackburn Work had left were gone: swept away.
These efforts were in addition to her periodic visits to the French front, where she distributed medical supplies while collecting impressions for a series of inflammatory war essays that appeared monthly in Scribner's Magazine.
With "Fragile Glory" Richard Bernstein, who was The New York Times's bureau chief in Paris from 1985 to 1987, has written a book that collects his experiences and impressions of France.
Author Mary McDonough Murphy, who collected individual impressions of the book by several authors and public figures, calls To Kill a Mockingbird "an astonishing phenomenon".