He also collects kickbacks from his advertising clients and from the disc jockeys (for getting them endorsements and other outside work); in the pilot he boasts that "they don't call me 'Mr. Kickback' for nothing."
Pedrosa exposed a conspiracy involving Governor Gerónimo de Badillo and other high officials to undervalue incoming cargos for tax purposes and collect kickbacks from the merchants.
"But the jury in this case found that the P.V.B. was also used to collect bribes and kickbacks and had become a cesspool of corruption."
As for the police you would have gone to, many of them collect kickbacks from the street extortionists to look the other way.
In return they collect payoffs and kickbacks.
More details were made public today from the videotaped confession of a former aide to President Jacques Chirac, who described how he collected kickbacks from contractors installing elevators and painting hallways in city housing projects.
Has he been collecting kickbacks?
A federal jury convicted Mayor Ganim, 43, of 16 felony corruption counts for leading a six-year scheme to collect kickbacks from contractors doing business with his city.
So did Connecticut, after its former state treasurer and sole pension trustee, Paul J. Silvester, pleaded guilty to federal charges in connection with a scheme to collect kickbacks from potential money managers.
The Indian foreign minister, Natwar Singh, was relieved of his duties Monday, as pressure mounted over allegations that he and the governing Congress Party had collected kickbacks from the United Nations oil-for-food program in Iraq.