They collected over 100,000 signatures on petitions to force a recall election.
A campaign to save the park collected over 10,000 signatures.
By mid-2004 the site had collected over 125,000 signatures.
She collected over 1000 signatures from women protesting at their loss of the right to vote granted in 1862.
In the end, the church claimed to have collected over three million signatures.
Organizers said they collected over 20,000 signatures most of whom were Shia.
The committee collected over 100,000 signatures in the first stage of getting the measure enacted.
They started a petition, and collected over 500,000 signatures, enough to force a referendum.
The group ran a petition to keep the airport open, collecting over 1000 signatures.
To force an election, volunteers would need to collect over 250,000 signatures.