The straight razors and pitch-soaked ropes in their hands meant they were collecting parts of young women for the Second Service.
The user moves the Super Solver around warehouses collecting parts that are used to build the vehicles.
Illegal uses often include shopping trips, collecting spare parts for the garage or calling at a public house along a journey.
He collected parts of various rockets and explosives and re-assembled them to see how they functioned.
Players can collect parts from destroyed enemy to craft items and upgrade weapons.
One was the ability to collect different parts for Jim's powersuit, such as new gloves, boots, and armor.
In high school he created his own telegraph network between his neighbors' houses by collecting discarded parts from the Bell telephone company.
Collected electronic devices and parts are sold to scrap brokers, who ship this cargo to developing nations for deconstruction.
Gameplay is about collecting parts to build, defending from enemies, and then winning one of the game's endings.
Other works which collect specific parts of Erickson's output: