The garden collects runoff and is maintained without the use of gasoline-powered lawn mowers and chemical pesticides or fertilizers.
The plane spun for another 60 feet and plunged into the sump, a 25-foot-deep ditch that collects rainwater and runoff from the parking lot.
There exists an attractive pond in front of the Castle, which also serves to collect runoff.
"There are ways to control chemical use, ways to collect runoff," he said.
The Eurotas collects runoff and drains the deep aquifer on the east bank but loses water to the shallow aquifer on the west bank.
Groundwater recharge from flood water is done by collecting runoff from winter rains in a drainage basin and directing it into recharge ponds.
Over the centuries, the shallow lake has collected runoff from its immediate surroundings.
The couple plan to replace the concrete with a deck over the summer and to add rain barrels to collect runoff from the roof.
Mr. Jorling said he expected a system to collect hazardous runoff to be "substantially under way, if not completed" by 1995.