They decided to collect large sums of money from the people for the treasury.
He collected sums approaching $30,000 before his arrest and conviction on charges of grand theft.
Successful plaintiffs in these cases are entitled to $1,000, but their lawyers can collect vastly larger sums.
He had been the mainspring of an arson ring that collected huge sums from fire insurance companies.
In New York, no such machinations were necessary, because the parties are allowed to collect huge sums and transfer them directly to the candidates.
Printing and distributing more cards to collect smaller sums, however, would add to the company's costs.
The third reason is the opportunity to collect substantial sums of money through federal grants.
Many of these economists had conflicts of interest, collecting sums as consultants to companies and other groups involved in the financial crisis.
In the ghetto he lived a lavish life, collecting hefty sums from others by various means.
Although Martha collected substantial sums of insurance money this was not the motive for her own family which was never determined.