Soon Federal soldiers were dispensed to Charleston's forts and began to collect tariffs by force.
To prevent entrance of goods that are illegal, subject to restriction or to collect tariffs.
The Customs Service, for example, has been collecting tariffs and supervising ports since 1789, when it was established by the fifth act of Congress.
This administration is the structure responsible for collecting local taxes and tariffs specified in the laws and decisions of City Council.
Now get away from here before I decide to collect further tariffs.
He'd been trying to find out things from those who collected the taxes and tariffs... and finding nothing.
I need the lists and the locations of merchants if we are to ensure that we can collect taxes and tariffs.
The Customs Service, among other duties, collects tariffs and prevents smuggling.
His company acted as agent for the Confederacy in collecting tariffs and transferring funds.
A free trade zone is a group of countries that do not collect tariffs on each other's goods.