"He wants Gore to be able to collect votes instead of money."
Those five European candidates collected nearly 7000 votes between them.
But at least no one is accusing anyone of collecting votes from the dead.
He has been collecting Democratic votes for a commission that would study and recommend further changes in the system.
In the 11 December 1975 election, the party's four candidates collected 141 votes, less than 0.01% of the popular vote.
In the 26 April 1979 elections, its four candidates collected 297 votes, 0.02% of the popular vote.
It's not like running for office, collecting votes and kissing babies.
In the first stage which started on June 22, 2009 applicants had to register themselves and collect votes.
But if her goal was to collect votes, several abortion-rights workers said, she may have come late.
The Democrats' strategy was to collect at least 6 Republican votes to add to the 45 from their own party.