Many left money at the altars as offerings, which the museum staff periodically collected to pay for refurbishing the ephemeral structures.
Trapped particles were collected periodically over the seven-year study period and analyzed to determine organic carbon content.
Data were collected periodically on high school and postsecondary outcomes for both groups from an initial baseline in 1992-1994 through a final survey in 2003-2004.
Letters are collected periodically by the postman and taken to the main Post office from where they are then dispatched to the desired destinations.
Older ones use 35-mm cameras, in which case the film has to be collected for development periodically.
As for the vendor, the candy machine's receipts can be collected periodically in person - or, more likely, by telephone - and transferred to a bank account.
Contributions to the mailinglist were periodically collected, usually in connection with a conference.
Some data are collected periodically, others only occasionally.
Latex that drips onto the ground, "earth scrap", is also collected periodically for processing of low grade product.
Visitors may still leave small items along and in the Fence; the mementos are periodically collected, cataloged, and stored.