This database and one that contains information collected regarding Holocaust victims and their heirs along with their potential claims will then be used to seek restitution along with the cooperation of governments and others that have not done so yet.
Doc provided Joiner with the information he had collected regarding the East Texas Region, and convinvced by what he saw, Joiner mailed out a prospectus written up by Doc to seek financing for his wildcatting.
His first published work appeared in 1745, entitled Traité d'insectologie, in which were collected his various discoveries regarding insects, along with a preface on the development of germs and the scale of organized beings.
In March 2006, EAC published its first UOVACA Survey based on information collected regarding the number of ballots sent to and received from uniformed and overseas voters.
In areas where it would be logical for the Highfin carpsucker to be found but is not, data should be collected regarding the other species and conditions of these areas.
Data will be collected and verified regarding: the types of cancer reported, numbers of cases, geographic area of the cases, and the patients clinical history.
The coachwhip trevally has had extremely little information collected regarding its diet, ecological interactions, reproduction and growth.
Not much empirical data has been collected regarding leisure activities and marital satisfaction.
Facility characteristics were collected regarding capacity and average daily population.
Since the 1800s there has been regular data collected regarding the parishes's population.