It was first published in the collection Poems in Two Volumes in 1807.
It was later published in the collection Poems in 1821.
Manning was recognised as an up-and-coming writer, a reputation that the indifferent collection Poems (1910) did not dissipate.
It was originally published in 1901 in his collection Poems of the Past and Present.
Tennyson wrote Mariana in 1830 and printed it within his early collection Poems, Chiefly Lyrical.
His collection Poems of Resistance, published in 1954, established his reputation as a powerful moral and political voice.
After the success of his first collection Poems (1887), Suvorin issued a second edition in 1889.
The correspondence was well underway before they ever met in person, he having admired the collection Poems that she published in 1844.
In the early 1842 his first collection Poems by A.N. Maykov was published, to much acclaim.
First, in the 1831 collection Poems of Edgar A. Poe, it appeared with 74 lines as "Irene."