A second collection holds ethnographic items portraying the recent culture of the region.
These two collections held great value not only for folk culture but also for the early history of Vietnam.
The collection of the library holds 50,000 journals, magazines and books.
The collection at the arboretum in 2008 held 3,500 different taxa.
The collection holds about 140.000 series of taxa from all over the world.
Close to his death the collection held more than 17,000 autographs and portraits, ranging from the 15th Century to modern times.
The Museum's collection holds around two thousand works, all donated by artists that have been a part of its history.
The permanent collection holds 277 items focusing primarily on Texas artists.
Nowadays, the collection holds works of Croatian artists created from the 1950s, up to today.
The collection currently holds more than 4,400 works of art by some 1,100 Québec artists.