Lisa's vast collection of films occupied an entire bedroom downstairs.
The 20-volume collection occupies two whole shelves at university libraries and always needs to be updated.
His current collection occupies most of his basement, including a 35-by-15-foot room, which he calls "my museum."
His collection occupied a whole floor of his house in Reading.
The physical collection occupies 125 kilometers of shelving.
The large collection of prints and drawings is not on permanent display and occupies the first floor of the museum.
The library's physical collection occupies 46 kilometers of shelf space and 40,000 volumes are added each year.
By 1597, the collection occupied three rooms of the incomplete northern wing.
At least that was its own space: until 2001, the collection occupied two floors of the humanities research center.
The collection occupies a dramatic building with slanted sides, inspired by the car itself and designed to look like speed.