This department's favorite is "Fit for a King," a collection of entries in the Bols Brilliancy competition organized by the International Bridge Press Association.
Some published sources are produced as reference works that allow quick access to essential information about given subjects, sometimes compiled as topical collections, and sometimes as general collections of entries.
The book is a collection of key entries in the journal of Peter Neumann, a boy inducted from the Hitler Youth into the Schutzstaffel.
The Encyclopedia of New York City is a massive collection of entries and articles that encompass much of modern day New York and the city's history.
He spent all summer reviewing and assembling a huge collection of entries, and when the exhibition opened in October more than six hundred photographs lined the walls.
Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order.
The "collection of very personal and honest entries from [Bubbles'] diary" fictitiously revealed how the chimpanzee coped with the death of Jackson.
The site is a collection of entries submitted by its registered users, essentially a bulletin board system.
The data being synchronized typically are collections of entries that contain user profiles and possibly authentication or policy information.
His observations and analyses were kept safely in his head but for a collection of brief entries in a small journal.